Angela’s Story (2020)
October 20, 2020 |

October 20, 2020 |
August 24, 2022 |
On August 24, our new Park Ridge branch threw a “Back to School Family Fun Fest!” There were hotdogs from Super Dawgs. Pizza from Silvia Nanno’s. Ice Cream from Triple Scoop’d. Face Painting. Balloon animals. Giant soap bubble blowing. And a bunch of really cool animals from JG’s Reptile Road Show. We had well over 200 of our Park Ridge neighbors as guests! A fun, and delicious, time was had by all!
May 9, 2022 |
We were a 2021 sponsor of Back 2 School, providing supply kits to students at John C. Haines Elementary School in Chinatown.
May 9, 2022 |
Sponsor of 2021 Halloween party supplies for the Valentine Boys & Girls Club celebration.
May 9, 2022 |
Thank you to everyone who donated to our 18th Annual Holiday Food Drive! Thanks to Joe Perrelli and Al Bradley for collecting it all, and to Garvey’s Office Products for delivering all but the Elmhurst Branch’s donations to the GCFD! We raised $275 and 20 boxes of food to provide nearly 1500 meals for those in need! Our Elmhurst donations went to the Elmhurst /Yorkfield Food Pantry. Congrats to Lakesider Pat Weiler for winning our employee raffle for a $300 Amazon giftcard! BOT customer Anil Daramjee won the customer raffle.
May 3, 2020 |
Due to COVID-19 many have struggled to feed their families, and many of our neighbors are going hungry. So, Lakeside Bank sponsored a Virtual Food Drive to benefit the Greater Chicago Food Depository April 19-May 3.
“As we face this unprecedented public health and economic crisis, our community must join together to ensure none of our neighbors go hungry,” said Kate Maehr, executive director and CEO of the Food Depository.
This Virtual Food Drive supported the Food Depository’s ongoing efforts to address the increased risk for food insecurity as a result of COVID-19. The economic impact from business and school closures are expected to disproportionately impact Cook County’s lower-income families and hourly workers
Every day, the Food Depository distributes an average of 200,000 pounds of food through its network of 700 partner agencies and programs, to people in need across Chicago and Cook County.
For the past 16 years, Lakeside Bank has sponsored a holiday food drive for the Food Depository, donating nearly 16,000 lbs of food to help alleviate hunger. Now more than ever, it’s time to step up to help those in need.
Our Virtual Food Drive donated 13,382 meals. That’s more than 16,000 pounds of food. There are still a lot of long lines for food … but we helped.
June 30, 2020 |
We thought, It's about time … for a little sole. So, Lakeside staff organized a fundraiser to support Pacific Garden Mission (PGM)!
Since 1877, PGM has been helping bodies and souls as a place of refuge and transformation for the homeless and hurting. Lakeside staff volunteered there for a day of service last Fall, and have had a long-standing relationship with them for years. After learning that they could use shower shoes, Lakeside staff chipped in to donate 320 pairs of flip flops! Lakesider Erica Chianelli delivered six boxes of flip flops to PGM on June 30th.
"These flip flops will ensure our homeless residents with a great confidence when it’s shower time. During this very crucial moment in history, it’s so wonderful to receive your support," said Gerald Casey, PGM Director of Outreach Ministry.
To learn more about PGM, visit
May 9, 2022 |
We sponsored the Glessner House Ice Cream Social on 8/29/21. Over 500 enjoyed ice cream throughout the day!
May 9, 2022 |
On October 23, 2021, fifteen Lakesiders and their families volunteered to clean up beautiful Palmisano Park as part of our Annual Make a Difference Day Volunteer Outing. The group filled 20 garbage bags! Thanks to: Brian Kastle, Matt Palmisano, Eva Ayala, Brian Keane, Susanna Fong, Albert Ng, Dorothy Rzeszutko, Cathy Nowak, Mal Dubert, Ania Kozak, Qixian Liang, Roman Hernandez, and Erica Chianelli & her daughters.
October 26, 2019 |
On Saturday, October 26, Lakesiders and their families spent the day volunteering at Pacific Garden Mission in honor of Make a Difference Day. Pacific Garden Mission is a customer of the bank. Since 1877, Pacific Garden Mission has been a place of refuge and transformation for the homeless and hurting. Don Anderson, Lakeside Board of Director and former Lakeside President, is a Trustee of Pacific Garden Mission as well. Volunteers made beds, washed windows, mopped floors, cleaned bathrooms, cleaned rooms, sorted clothes, and more. It was a great day!
October 27, 2018 |
On Saturday, October 27. More than 30 Lakeside Bank staffers, family & friends volunteered at Galileo Scholastic Academy of Math & Science, 820 S. Carpenter Street, Chicago. Lakesiders helped clean the neighborhood, the garden in front of the school, washed windows, dusted the entire building, cleaned the art room, emptied out a basement storage room, helped book sort and even did some much needed electronic filing! To help with Galileo’s annual 8th grade trip to Washington, D.C., Lakeside also donated $1,300 … the cost for a student to make that important trip.
“We had a fun day, Saturday!”, said David Pinkerton President & Vice Chairman of Lakeside Bank.“We worked hard and got Galileo’s entire ‘wish list’ of cleaning projects done. Supporting Education is a priority for Lakeside and to help Galileo clean their school, well, it really feels good. Lakeside is also pleased to sponsor an eighth grader for that important trip to DC. A young person should not be denied that formative experience because they can’t afford it.”
Galileo is also part of Lakeside’s “Kids Count!” Financial Literacy Program. Once a month, Lakeside bankers teach a different subject on how money works to third and fourth grade classes, staying with them for the entire school year. Lakeside is now in in it’s second year with this program, which is in five elementary schools. More schools are signing up. The monthly lessons are fun, interactive and designed for this age group. Lakeside’s objective: To educate children on financial basics and prepare them for the ‘real world’.
October 28, 2017 |
On October 28th, 13 Lakeside employees (Eva Ayala, Erica Chianelli, Silvia Suarez, Alan Rose, Desi White, Pat McNulty, Fran Morrissy, Dorothy Rzeszutko, Raul Escanio) and family members volunteered on Make a Difference Day at the Halloween Extravaganza at the Neighborhood Boys and Girls Club, 2501 W. Irving Park Road. Volunteers helped children with crafts, organized games, and judged a pumpkin decorating contest. Created by USA Weekend Magazine, Make A Difference Day is the most encompassing national day of helping others -- a celebration of neighbors helping neighbors. It’s an annual event held the fourth Saturday of every October.
May 19, 2022 |
Volunteers did landscaping, organizing, painting, cleaning, and repaired a couple of bathrooms. Even Mayor Lightfoot decided to stop by!
May 9, 2022 |
On August 14, 2021, Lakesiders, friends, and family volunteered at Margaret’s Village Women & Family Shelter, 7315 S. Yale, as part of a Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago volunteer project. Volunteers transformed the parking lot through debris cleanup, weeding, mulching/composting, and tree trimming. Special thanks to Matt Palmisano for leading and coordinating this effort. Thank you to Mike Fogarty, Dorothy Rzeszutko, Al Czeszak, Bryan Keane, Brian Kastle, Bob Shehan, Odis Cole, and David Pinkerton for coming out! You truly helped provide a clean and safe environment for the Margaret’s Place residents!
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